Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Holidays

We have been so busy with all the holiday stuff we have not done school in about a week and a half. I guess that is our Christmas holidays from school! We still have been doing loads of fun stuff and Dorian is getting very good at tracing letters and today he wrote L all by himself.
We have been baking cookies
which Dorian loves to make and also eat!
Here is a little snowman bracelet he made. We will be back to school Jan 3rd 2007, as thats when public school goes back and we wont have a bunch of extra kids over.

We have been looking at Connections Academy for Kindergarden for Dorian. It is a virtual public charter school. That means that he does school at home, but
we get all the curriculum through the public school and we get to talk to a public school teacher when we have questions. We think this will work out perfectly as we use Calvert curriculum now and the public school system uses Calvert for Connections Academy. Dorian seems to thrive on Calvert so far. There is also planned trips with the other students in ORCA that are in the local area. We like the freedom to take him on many field trips and not be locked in a class room for 8 hours.
We dont know if we will start him in Sep 2007 or Sept 2008.
If we dont think he is ready for Kinder we will keep doing PreK until Sept 2008.

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